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Foraging wild herbs and berries of Swedish Lapland

Culinary adventures learning about traditional food and medicine

A taste of the good life


Experience Jokkmokk and the Arctic with all your senses by taking part of Essense of Lapland’s taste shows, guided flavor tours and treasure hunts.

All served in a personal, informative and tasty way of culture and culinary guide and forager Eva Gunnare.


Home tasting

Let me come home to you!

Order a flavor box and watch my video (subtitles in English) about the Arctic seasons and their 
green wild flavors. 

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Home tasting

Wild edible plants - a guided walk

Guided nature and culture walks all year filled with green flavors foraged in the wild.

Activities in Jokkmokk

Flavor walks

Come along all year long on a tour with foraged herbs and berries. I bring my basket filled with tasty bits for the outdoor nature walk. For the private tours an indoor activity is added in my kitchen where I have set the table with more homemade treats.

The 1,5 - 2,5 hour tour is filled with knowledge I want to share from my own discoveries about Swedish Laplands wonderful nature and culture.

Min 2p - max 8p

Treasure hunt in a foragers home

Once in a while I invite you in to my home in Jokkmokk. In almost every corner of my small house I keep dried herbs, frozen berries, fish and meat, homemade cookies and herbal teas as well as lots of books and locally crafted treasures.


I will share my passion for tastes and fragrances as well as the very special Sami culture I am surrounded by.

Talks & Taste Shows

Talks an taste shows

Taste shows are

Essense of Laplands

signature activity for groups


A show filled with stories, songs, pictures and unique taste bites with lots of wild flavors.


Come close to Laplands nature and culture on a personal, informative and entertaining way.

The essence of Lapland for me

Who am I, Eva, and why do I spell my company name "wrong"?

For more than thirty years I have been living in Jokkmokk, at the heart of Swedish Lapland almost exactly on the Arctic Circle.

As a young woman, I came from the capital Stockholm to the mountains and immediately fell in love with the spectacular wilderness, the warm and easygoing people and the culture, which was so different from everything I had experienced before.

I have lived, studied, worked and loved every minute of my life in Lapland and as the mother of my Sami son I have moved closer to the Sami culture.

I have been working with the Laponia World Heritage for many years and travelled around the area extensively but my passion and current work since 10 years is  local food and especially wild herbs and berries!

The seasons change very quickly in Swedish Lapland and meeting exciting people and discovering new adventures creates wonderful memories in my everyday life.

I love to share these experiences in a personal, informative way that will stimulate all your senses. That's why I spell my company name EsSense of Lapland.

About Eva

Videos and Articles

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Imperial Bulldog

An article in Italian from the talented constructive journalist Martina Fragale, whom I had a wonderful time with in late
August 2020


Gabriela auf Reisen blog

Gabriela and her husband came to Jokkmokk to visit me and Anna Kuhmunen one midwinter day in January. A short, but very happy meeting!


Blog from Fork & Path

The lovely couple from Fork & Path came to visit me. They have a unique business idea to get deep into a country's food and then serve it in their restaurant in USA.


Article Travel Awaits

An article in Travel Awaits by Food and travel reporter Vanessa Chiasson. From a dinner experience with me in Jokkmokk 2018.


Swedish Article

One of many articles from regional newspapers. This one is from Norrbottenkuriren.


Le Figaro

A travel article from Le Figaro. Mainly about the fabulous Artic Bath in Harads, but where activities in Jokkmokk is highlighted, my taste tour as well!


Blog from theBohoChica

A beautiful review of a taste tour and lunch from this lovely travel and food writer Natasha! She has captured a lot of what I whish to convey to my guests.


WorldWide Podcast

I was interviewed by Miles Irving in this podcast. You can tell I am nervous being recorded while speaking English... But my love for wild herbs will come through!

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The Daily Meal

"In Swedish Lapland: a Passionate Forager Celebrates the Region and Its People"
An article by Helen Sotoriou in The Daily Meal


Magazine Unique

An article in French, German and Italian from Magazine Unique. With some recepies!


National Geographic

An article from National Geographic UK where the dinner activity "Njálgge" with me and Helena Länta is in focus!


Article: the Telegraph

An article about food adventure in Swedish Lapland. my Njálgge-dinner as well as Ice hotel, Aurora Sky station, Kukkulaforsen, Sápmi Nature Camp.. All the best!


Frontiers Magazine

In September 2019 I was intvited to Scotland to have several talks about foraging. I am so happy they wanted me to be interviewed for this! 


Meet a food creator

An article about me at Swedish Laplands website.


Blog: "Lobster and Swan

A wonderful British couple with their lifestyle blog Lobster and Swan came to Jokkmokk and me in wintertime.

Essense of Lapland

Eva Gunnare, kulturguide och matkreatör, anordnar smakföreställningar, guidade smakturer, örtkurser och evenemang med vilda gröna smaker och livet i Lappland i fokus.

Med Norrbotten som bas, men med uppdrag i Sverige, sprider jag glädje, kunskap och inspiration om det härliga livet här i norr.



Eva Gunnare, Essense of Lapland


Lassbyn 200



072-234 89 88


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